Figure 5-15. Frequency Synthesizer Module, Submodule Locations.
(1) Place the converter drawer MONITOR
(3) If the indications are correct, proceed to
selector switch in the SYNTH position. Place the SYNTH
step (5) below. If the indication in step (2) above is not
MONITOR switch to 0 ERR position. Slowly adjust
correct and the OUT OF LOCK lamp is illuminated, the
FREQ TUNE control for OUT OF LOCK indicator to be
problem is in the Gunn oscillator; proceed to step (4)
extinguished and meter indication to 25 (mid scale). If
the indications are not correct, a problem exists, but in
either case go to next step.
(2) Rotate SYNTH MONITOR switch to the
(5) Rotate the SYNTH MONITOR switch to
SHF-LO position and verify a meter indication between
the FREQ STD position and observe for an indication
15 and 35.
between 15 and 35 on the MONITOR meter.