TM 11-5895-84624P
(b) The maintenance code entered in the fourth
inspection requirements to identify an item or range of
position indicates whether the item Is to be repaired and
identifies the lowest maintenance level with the capability
to perform complete repair (i.e., all authorized
maintenance functions). This position will contain one of
When a stock numbered item is
the following maintenance codes:
requisitioned, the repair part received
may have a different part number
than the part being replaced.
F -The lowest maintenance level capable of com
f. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
plete repair of the support item is the direct
an(l, if required, a minimum description to identify the
support level.
H -The lowest maintenance level capable of
g. Unit of Measure (U/IM). Indicates the standard
complete repair of the support item is the
of the basic quantity of the listed item as used in
general support level.
performing the actual maintenance function.
D -The lowest maintenance level capable of
measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
complete repair of the support item is the depot
abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr, etc).
When the unit
of measure differs from the unit of issue, the lowest unit
Z Nonreparable No repair is authorized.
of issue that will satisfy the required units of measure will
(3) Recoverability code. Recoverability
be requisitioned.
are assigned to support items to indicate the disposition
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates
action on unserviceable items. The recoverability code
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the
is entered in the fifth position of the Uniform SMR Code
illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional
format as follows:
group, subfunctional group, or an assembly.
Special Information
a. Detailed manufacturing instructions for items
Z -Nonreparable item.
When unserviceable,
source coded to be manufactured or fabricated are found
condemn and dispose at the level indicated in
in TM 11-5895-846-14.
position 3.
The following publication pertains to the
F -Reparable item. When uneconomically repar
AN/ TSC-86 and its components:
able, condemn and dispose at the direct support
TM 5-4120-243-14, Air Conditioner, Horizontal Compact:
18,000 BTU (Trane Models) 208 V, : 3 Phase, 50/60
H -Reparable item. When uneconomically repar
Hz (Model MAC6H 18-208-1201-02): 208 V, 3
able, condemn and dispose at the general
Phase, 400 Hz (Model 4H18-108-120103); 208 V, 1
support level.
Phase, 50/60 Hz (Model MAC6H 18230-1201-01);
D -Reparable item. When beyond lower level repair
(Harvev W. Hottel Models), 208 V.
capability, return to depot. Condemnation and
3 phase, 50/60 Hz (Model CH20-6i-08); 2(08 V, 3
disposal not authorized below depot level.
Phase 400 Hz (Model CH20-4-08) Phase, 50/'6i0 Hz
L -Reparable item. Repair, condemnation, and
and (KECO Model F18-4) 20 V', : 3 Phase, 400 Hz.
disposal not authorized below depot/specialized
TM 5-4120-243-24P, Air Conditioner, Horizontal
repair activity level.
Compact: 18,000 BTU (Trane Models) 208 V, :
A -Item requires special handling or condemnation
Phase, 50/60 Hz (Model MAC6H 18-208-120)1-02):
procedures because of specific reasons (i.e.,
208 V, 3 Phase, 400 Hz (Model 4H18-108-120103);
precious metal content, high dollar value, critical
208 V, 1 Phase, 50/60 Hz (Model MAC6iH 18230-
material or hazardous material). Refer to
1201); (Harvey W. Hottel Models). 208 V, : )
appropriate manuals/directives for specific
Phase, 50/60 Hz (Model CH20-f(-08); 208 V, 3
Phase, 400 Hz (Model CH20-4-08) Phase, 50.: '60
c. National Stock Number Indicates the National
Hz an(d (KECO Model F18-4) 208 V, 3 Phase, 400
stock number assigned to the item and will be used for
requisitioning purposes.
TM 5-6115-465-12, Generator Set, Diesel Engine
d Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
Driven, Tactical Skid Mounting, 30 KW, 3 Phase, 4
(FSCM).The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code listed in SB
Wire 60/108 and 240/416 V (DOD Model MEP005A),
70841/42 which is used to identify, the manufacturer,
Utility Class, 50/60 Hz (Model MEP-104A), Precise
distributor, or Government agency, etc.
Class, 50/60 Hz (Model MEP-114A), Precise Class,
e. Part Number. Indicates the primary number
400 Hz Including Auxiliary Equipment (DOD Model
used by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm,
MEP-005AWE) Winterization Kit, Fuel Burning,
corporation, or Government activity), which controls the
(Model MEP-005 AWE), Winterization Kit, Electric,
design and characteristics of the item by means of its
(Model MEP-005ALM), Load
engineering drawings, specifications, standards, and