TM 11-5895-846-14
Receive Field Alinement.
For field alinement of the receive group the following test
equipment and cables are required:
Limiter, SM-A-934943
Cable Assembly, SM-C-935488-1
6 dB Attenuator, SM-A-937237-3
14 dB Attenuator, SM-A-937237-1
RF Power Meter, HP-436A with HP-848A Power
Sensor and HP-8481A Power Sensor
LNA Low Noise Gain/Slope Adjustment
The LNA low noise gain/slope is
adjusted using signal sources within
the terminal in conjunction with
precision attenuators and a low level
SHF hard limiter as shown in figure 3-
18. A signal at the local receiver
upconverter drawer. The output level
of signal is between the limits of + 6
and + 12 dBm. The signal is passed
through the SHF hard limiter and
attenuators to provide a - 66 dBm
signal at the low noise amplifier (LNA
1 or LNA 2) test port of the waveguide
electronic subassembly and at the
LNA input.