TM 11-5895-846-14
Proceed as follows:
(11) Close the power supply drawer and
(1) It is assumed here that one of the above
tighten the front panel captive screws.
items has just been replaced, all access and/or chassis
covers are replaced, and ac power is off.
(2) On the power supply place the
Amplifier Module
OPERATE-STANDBY switch to the STANDBY position.
(3) On the power distribution panel place the
The following procedures contain instructions for the
associated AUX and PA circuit breakers to the ON
removal and replacement of modules, the blower, and
position. On the power supply check that the AC
the klystron.
POWER indicator is illuminated.
(4) On the power supply place the START
and BLOWER circuit breakers to the ON position.
Voltages dangerous to life are
(5) On the power supply place the MONITOR
present in the power amplifier. Also,
switch to the 6V FIL X1 position.
(6) Observe the power supply MONITOR
hazard exists should the front panel
meter for a normal indication of + 0.3, - 0.1 V.
waveguide flange become uncovered
(7) If the 6 V FIL X1 indication is within
while the PA is operational. On the
tolerance, no adjustment is necessary and this
power distribution panel, place the
procedure is completed. If the indication is not within
appropriate AUX and PA circuit
tolerance, proceed to step (8) below.
breakers to the OFF position. Check
(8) On the power supply front panel loosen
that the AC POWER indicator on the
the eight captive screws and open the power supply
power supply is extinguished. On the
power supply, place the START and
(9) Locate the FIL ADJ opening on the top
BLOWER circuit breakers to the OFF
cover (fig. 5-2) and then observe the power supply
position and the OPERATE-STANDBY
MONITOR meter.
switch to the STANDBY position.
(10) Adjust the FIL ADJ control for a 6, + 0.3,
0.1 volt indication on the MONITOR meter.