TM 11-5895-846-14
(1) Unlock and remove the two mounting pins
which will be used to mount the elevation drive ring.
This position of the center section
These pins are located top and bottom of the center
will allow the easier access to the
latches when installing the quarter
(2) Place the elevation drive ring in place in
the mounting and insert the mounting pins.
lightning probe.
elevation drive ring is installed with the ASSY hole at the
g. Installation of Reflector Quarter Sections and
Feed Tube Assembly (fig. 2-8 and 2-9).
(3) Remove the two mounting pins which will
(1) Remove the mounting pins (8) around the
secure the left trailing arm between the elevation drive
ring and the center section gimbal left elevation axis (fig.
(2) Place the upper quarter section in place
and insert and lock the two mounting pins.
(4) Place the left trailing arm in position to
(3) Place the right quarter section in place
connect the center section gimbal and the elevation drive
and insert and lock the two mounting pins.
ring. Insert the two mounting pins. Do not lock the pins.
(4) Place the left quarter section in place and
(5) Release and remove the stow bar pin
insert and lock the two mounting pins.
which holds the stow bar between the center section and
(5) Place the lower quarter section in place
right pillow block. Stow the bar on the center section and
and insert and lock the two mounting pins.
(6) Using the 5/16-inch hex wrench close and
(6) Lift the cross elevation actuator (with
lock the petal latches between the installed quarter
attached trailing arm) into position between the drive ring
and right pillow block. Insert two mounting pins in the
drive ring and pillow block mounting brackets.
Maneuver the center section in the cross elevation plane
stowage bracket on the back of the center section and
to aid in inserting the actuator rod end pin in the center
install it on the upper quarter section. Orient the probe
section stow bar bracket. Lock these three pins and the
so that it will point upward when the antenna elevation is
two pins in step (4) above.
(8) Hold the antenna and elevation actuator
Exercise care when handling the
and remove the pin holding the rod end to the elevation
elevation actuator (step 7 below to
drive ring hole.
insure that the rod end is not rotated.
(9) Rotate the antenna downward until the 10
Rotation of the rod end may damage
degree on the elevation drive ring is alined with the
the protective boot covering the
actuator rod end. Insert the mounting pin.
(10) Dress the lightning probe cable over to the
plunger screw. Using fingers only,
left pillow block and connect it to the ground lug.
check and relieve the torsional stress
(11) Remove the feed tube from its stowage
on the boot by slightly rotating the
container on the carriage assembly. Replace the cap on
rod end to insure that the rod end is
the container.
centered relative to the boot.
(12) On the center section unscrew and
(7) Place the elevation actuator in place
remove the feed tube adapter cover.
between the center front pad casting and the elevation
(13) Clip the feed tube adapter cover to the
drive ring. The rod end should be toward the elevation
feed tube adapter.
drive ring and forward of the upper cross member of the
rear leg assembly. Orient the actuator housing so it is
Exercise care when handling and
facing inward, that is, toward the rear (the connector will
working with the feed tube assembly
be on the left side).
and the feed tube adapter. At the
(8) Insert the mounting pin in the Y casting
bracket to secure the bottom of the elevation actuator.
opening, the feed tube adapter has a
(9) Note the level or sloping condition of the
thin dielectric membrane which is
antenna support structure in the elevation plane.
extremely fragile and easily ruptured.
Rotate the center section (drive ring) in elevation so it is
Do not allow anything, including
pointing at approximately 90 degrees relative to the
fingers, to come in contact with the
ground mounting plane. Aline the actuator rod end with
membrane. In addition, special care
the degree hole in the drive ring that will best maintain
must be exercised to prevent dirt,
this position (80, 85, 90, ASSY (110). Insert the
dust, moisture or any foreign material
mounting pin. Close and lock both mounting pins ((8) &
from entering the open ports of the
feed tube and the adapter.
(14) Aline the keyed feed tube connector with
the feed tube adapter and carefully screw it on.