TM 11-5895-846-14
(a) 30A1W1-Receive SHF (from BITE)
(15) Replace the 5/16-inch hex wrench in the
(b) 30A1W5-LNA power and control
tool kit.
Installation of Messenger Pole and Cable (fig.
(from LNA 1)
(c) 30A1W6-LNA 2 power and control
(1) Place the messenger pole (with the eye
(from LNA 2)
hook upward) in place in back of the upper cross
(d) 30A1W7-LNA BITE power and control,
member of the rear leg assembly and to the left of the
(from BITE)
center base frame member.
(2) Using the U-clamps supplied, loosely
30J4) (f) 30A1W10-Loop test (from directional coupler)
clamp the pole to both the cross member and the base
(2) Check the cables from the center section
frame member. Check that the upper section of the pole
to the rear leg assembly. If any cable appears to have
leans away (backwards and to the left) from the drive
too sharp a bend radius, redress the cable so it will lay
ring so it will not interfere with antenna movement.
across the other side of the drive ring. As much as
Position the clamps accordingly to obtain the desired
possible, dress the above cables under the left trailing
pole angle. Rotate the pole so the eye hook at the top
arm of the cross-elevation actuator.
points toward the antenna entry panel. Tighten the
(3) Carefully dress the cables through the
messenger cable hanger straps towards the antenna
(3) Attach the messenger cable to the eye
entry panel. Do not cross or twist the cables.
hook on the top of the pole and to the ring on the top of
(4) With the P1 plug ends oriented towards
the shelter adjacent to the antenna entry panel. Orient
the shelter, dress the elevation (W1) and cross-elevation
the take-up device towards the shelter.
(W2) drive cables through the hanger straps.
(4) Using the take-up device tighten the
messenger cable, however leave a slightly slack loop.
Handle the waveguide with care. Do
not let flange ends touch the ground
of take-up device).
nor let foreign matter get inside the
(5) Check that the cable hanger straps are
waveguide channel.
Avoid sharp
spaced approximately 24 inches apart on the messenger
bends and heavy impact with other
cable. Loosen the straps enough to open large loops for
objects to prevent any damage.
accepting the antenna cables.
(5) Unstow the transmit waveguide (W3) and
Installation of Antenna Cables and Final
dress it through the hanger straps.
a. Installation of Antenna Cables and Waveguide.
the waveguide to the antenna entry panel in the following
(1) he following mounted electronics cables
(a) Receive SHF (30A1W1).
were loosened and uncoiled previously from the center
(b) Transmit waveguide (W3).
section support frame (gimbal) and dressed over the rear
(c) Loop test (30A1W10).
leg assembly. Note that these cables are already
(d) LNA BITE power and control
connected to their respective mounted electronics
terminations as follows:
(e) LNA 1 power and control (30A1W5).